Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Royalty showed up in my book

Somehow when I was typing today at Sam's Club of all places, royalty showed up.

It turns out that my character's current love interest as an ex-husband who is Sir Edmund Fitzgerald, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Evidently the press still follow Mathilda around and are curious what she is up to.

It looks like Timothy and Mathilda are going to be on the cover of the Sun and The Mirror tomorrow in my book
I also have almost 2,000 words today to bring the total official wordcount to 32,855I will update things as they progress.
I am having quite a history for Mathilda as well.
I guess she is going to be a BIG part of the story
.Excerpts will come later.

ed davis-quinn

p.s. if you want to read some excepts look up: rurugby on nano

or http://nofilterbook.blogspot.com

word count: 34,722
mood: very good
Level of surprise: Very high .. . This day in my book is shocking me.!!!!

Cheers y'all


Aidokime said...

I work at Sam's Club.
And yeah, you can find interesting ideas floating around the atmosphere there. Trust me-- I've written there on my break (and while I get a free moment as I'm working). So.. yeah.

No Filter: The Book said...

I was amazed I had good writing there .. maybe I should have just hung out while my tire was getting done AGAIN on Saturday ... just didn't feel it though :)
