Sunday, October 09, 2005

Cool, it's up and running!

Hi ya'll,

This is the beginning of the nano blogging fun. I think it will be interesting to see how this turns out.

We now have a place away from the nano boards where we can lament, cheer and encourage. We can yell and swear here without a problem. I won't have to delete posts that are inappropriate, yay!

So, what's everyone writing about this year? What genre? Is this a new genre for you? How about a brief synopsis? What do you plan to do with it when nano is over?

I think I'll stop there. I'll be back to answer my questions tomorrow or the next day. I'm trying to put together a sound synopsis that aptly describes my story. It's not going well so far, all of one sentence.

Later days,


Belogue said...

So, what's everyone writing about this year?

My forth werewolf book. Finally Trace's story to shine!

What genre? Paranormal suspense

Is this a new genre for you? Nope. This is my third one.

How about a brief synopsis?
Trace loves Wynter even if he won't admit it to anyone including himself. He uses his telepathy to read her thoughts and finds that she can't stand him. Soemone's out to kill Wynter. Trace has to protect her even if she doesn't want the help.

What do you plan to do with it when nano is over?
Edit it and send it to my publisher. Then I want to start a YA about my wolves. I have an old story I'd like to pick up again and finish too. We'll see.


Ken said...

What are you writing?
A supernatural anti-hero story based in Portland.

It's supernatural, action, horror, I guess?

Brief synopsis?
Nora, a twenty two year old college student is haunted by the death, or was it suicide, of her twin brother Teddy. Immediately after Teddy’s death Nora changed from being a sweet, happy, perky little girl into a depressed, worn preteen who was a raging insomniac.
She had a string of roommates, none of which lasted more than a semester. They were all disconcerted by Nora’s insomnia and sleep apnea. They couldn’t handle the screaming when she did actually sleep. Finally she moved into a small apartment with her good friend Quintin.
Nora spends her days in school and her nights making art as she can’t sleep. Though she does seem to fall sleep at the least opportune times. The times that Teddy wants her to do something, to save someone. See, in her sleep is when her powers come alive.
Nora is down on humanity, so when her twin Teddy brings her to save people in her dreams she’s not happy about it. The only reason she helps people is because she thinks she has no choice, and Teddy is the one who asks her.
She needs to figure out why Teddy is coming to her, why she has these powers and what she’s going to do about the whole thing.

I know, it's not realy brief, but it's shorter than what I've been working on for a synopsis.

Any ideas anyone has would help.


Belogue said...

Oh Kendra that sound soooo good! I think you have enough to run with for sure. What happens to the people she saves, does it appear in the paper? On the news? What are her powers? WWhat does she intend to do with her art? Wow there are a lot of possibilities here!
