Wednesday, October 12, 2005

N. Mallory Grasping For A Plot...Again

O.K. I'm in.

I think.

I tried Nano last year and didn't get very far. I seem to suffer perpetually from writer's block. I'm sure there's some psychological explanation like I'm afraid of imperfection and afraid of people mocking my art and I'm lazy. ;)

Really, I just felt overwhelmed, like I do know, and a little desperate for an idea for a plot that goes more than one sentence. Heh.

So, I've got a couple of tentative ideas.

I could write a space western-type thing; maybe fanfic for Firefly/Serenity. I think fanfic still fits in the rules, particularly if I'm just writing in the "'verse" and not using any of the characters.

Or I could write a dark fantasy with vampires, magic users, and vampire hunters set in New Orleans and maybe climaxing during Hurricane Katrina.

Then there's always been the desire to write a Celtic space-kind-of-thing, but again what's the plot? Who are the characters?

Why has my brain suddenly gone blank as soon as I started thinking about writing for Nano?

1 comment:

~lannalee~ said...

This is my first time, so I am not sure what advice to give! (Have fun?) Screw 'em if they can't take a joke?

I've got it: "Balls to the Wall, baby!"