Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Great site!

Nicely done ladies! Especially when everytime I try to log onto the NaNoWriMo site, it's down! Arggg! Beginning to wonder if it isn't my computer! Anyone else having trouble? I'm hoping so.

I'm off to answer Kendra's questions now.



Ken said...

Yesssss, thank you!

I just sent an email to the head honcho ML lady to see if it was the nano site or my compy having probs. Guess that answers my question for me.

I get really bummed when the site is down, but itwould be worse if it was my computer.


Ken said...

Okay, I just got an email back from Erin - ML Guru Lady.

She said that if anyone is having probs with the nano site and are using mozilla to try to clean out their cookies, then try it.

I use Opera and was having probs. I cleaned out my cookies and It's working again!

So, hope that helps those not being able to use the nano site.


Belogue said...

I know what cookies is, but how do you clean them out??? Yikes! Definitly not something I know how to do!


Thanks. At least I know it's not just me or my machine!

Ken said...

Call the house, Matt can help you.
